•  WIFIP

    • National Project  (iDémo)
    • Objectives : evolution of WLAN networks, with intelligent and green connectivity  (multi-band, convergence with 5G and beyond, reconfigurable intelligent surfaces, Artificial Intelligence, SDN)
    • .Partners : Orange, Comsis, Grennerwave, CityPassenger, Centrale Supelec, Telecom SudParis.
    • Funding source: BPI
    • Period: 2023-2025
    • Total budget: 5 141 K€
    • Team Funding : 700 K€
  • B5G (Beyond 5G) (ongoing)

    • National Project  (PIA: plan de relance pour l’industrie)
    • Objectives : 5G networks enhancements for industrial and critical applications
    • Partners : Thalès, Ericsson, Eurecom et l’IMT (IMT Atlantique, IMT Lille-Douai, Télécom Paris, Télécom SudParis
  • LAB-COM AIDY-F2N : Artificial Intelligence and Dynamic Modeling Tools for Future Flexible Networks

    • Objective: Modeling and Optimization for future networking solutions (access and core) based on traditional optimization techniques and Artificial Intelligence.
    • Project Type: ANR/LabCom
    • Funding source: ANR (Agence Nationale de la Recherche)
    • Partners: DAVIDSON Consulting
    • Period: 2020-2025
    • Total budget: 350 K€
    • Team Funding : 350 K€
  • Autonomous vehicles and platooning (ongoing)

Analysis, Research and experimentation on autonomous vehicles regarding:

  • Context awareness
  • Decision making and learning techniques for self driving
  • Communication issues
  • Cooperation among vehicles and platooning
    • Initial results (video)
  • R5GIIOT: Toward an Intelligent 5G network for IoT (ongoing)

A collaborative research project between two teams within SAMOVAR (Telecom SudPAris)  and LTCI (Telecom Paris)  aiming to study how Artificial Intelligence can be used to help 5G networks supporting IoT services.

  • 5G4IoT (2018)

A collaborative research project between two teams within SAMOVAR (Telecom SudPAris)  and LTCI (Telecom Paris)  aiming to study how 5G technologies and architecture can fulfill the  requirements and needs of IoT.

  • C-RAN

An industrial project in collaboration with DAVIDSON France and aiming to propose models allowing the study and the tuning of C-RAN and H-CRAN architectures and techniques.


  • Objective: Develop and optimize mission critical broadband solutions based on LTE technologies for public safety organizations.
  • Project Type: PSPC IA (BPI)
  • Funding source: BPI (Banque Publique d’Investissement)
  • Partners: AirBus, Nokia, Sequans, Telecom SudParis, Telecom Paris
  • Period: 2015-2019
  • Total budget: xxxx K€
  • Team Funding : xxx K€
  • QoS-wifi (FUI 10):

  • Duration : 30 months (ended on april 1st 2013)
  • Total budget: 1 800 K€
  • Team Funding : 736 K€
  • Project description: QoS-WiFi consists in the design and implementation of an improved WiFi protocol fully interoperable with current 802.11n standards. The aim of the project is to allow reliable transmission of TV, voice, Hi-Fi and telephone communications over 802.11 networks with “cable” like performance. It will be possible to introduce the new WiFi cards in an existing 802.11 network without degrading the legacy equipment and transparently communicating with them. QoS-WiFi will guarantee a better throughput for streaming applications, reduced access times and network latency (both average and variance), reduced collision and it improves the goodput when many stations are using the resources. At the end of the project an evaluation of a SoC (System on Chip integrated circuit) will be performed in view of designing a low price QoS-WiFi card.

  • Porteur : LemonWay
  • Millésime : 2010
  • Budget total : 1 360 404 €
  • Subvention totale 789 395 €

Objet du projet

Le projet consiste à informer les citoyens d’une ville des bons plans, alertes (enlèvements, grippe) alertes environnementales, de la météo locale (alertes, sècheresse, économies d’eau, qualité de l’air),  des informations pratiques (horaires, associations, événements, dates de ramassage des encombrants…), culturelles (musées, parcours urbains) ou citoyennes (information officielle), le tout en utilisant leur téléphone portable quel qu’il soit. A partir de leurs terminaux mobiles, les citoyens ont ensuite un accès facile et privilégié à des services de la ville, auxquels ils peuvent souscrire et qu’ils peuvent acheter et payer, directement avec leur mobile. En toute sécurité.

  • SEAMLESS (SEamless and Adaptive Services over MultipLe AccEsS NetworkS): a national research project funded by the French National Research Agency (ANR).

Project presentation (PDF file)

Project Book (from Systematic project book 2012)

  • Coordinateur : Télécom SudParis
  • Partenaires : CEA List, Neotilus, RATP
  • Effort global de R&D : 3.18 M€
  • Financement ANR : 1.4 M€
  • Labellisé par le Groupe Thématique Télécoms de Systematic
Description :

The objective of this project, is to enable seamless mobile access to services for users on the move across multiple wireless access technologies and domains while enhancing service availability, adaptation and personalization during changes of the user’s context and the networking environment.
The project addresses mobility, transparent access, and multiple access challenges due to the presence of heterogeneous: wireless access networks, security mechanisms and protocols, localisation, context gathering and reasoning and service discovery frameworks as well as service architectures. The aim is to offer SEAMLESS services access by building in essence a virtual system that is capable of hiding changes in terminals, networks and ambient conditions and making these variations transparent to users.


  • CIDRA (Coopération et Intelligence Distribuée pour des Réseaux sans fil Auto-organisant) : a national research project funded by the Institut TELECOM)

Coopération et Intelligence Distribuée pour des Réseaux sans fil Auto-organisant (a national research project funded by the Institut TELECOM)

  • GEMOTH (GEstion de la MObilité des nœuds dans des réseaux de Technologies Hétérogènes) : A national research project funded by the Institut TELECOM


  • RESACO (RESeaux Adaptatifs et COopératifs): a national research project funded by the Institut TELECOM

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